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Third Sunday of Advent Yr B

Third Sunday of Advent Yr B

17 Dec 2017


There are two themes that strike me in today’s First Reading from Isaiah.

The first is the theme of “rejoicing”. The prophet talks of rejoicing in the Lord. It might be opportune to reflect on what gives us “joy”. It is important to differentiate between “joy” and “pleasure”. Pleasure is fleeting, while joy can be long lasting. One thing that gives me joy is the tone in my grandnephews’ voices when they call out “Uncle Mark”. They enjoy my company – and that gives me joy. They want nothing from me but my presence. How long it will last, I cannot say, but while it does, I will allow myself to rejoice in the moment.

So, I repeat, it might be good to reflect on what gives us joy – and can we bring that joy into God’s presence.

The other theme is bringing freedom to captives. What things can keep us captive? There are many forces that seek to keep us afraid so we will seek to treat the fear by being good little consumers. They seek to persuade us that we are free by seeking “stuff”, or acting in ways they want.

A major issue for many young people, young women and increasingly young men is body image. I have read of a Yr 5 girl being asked by a fellow student to send him a nude photo of herself. When she refused, his response was, “ Well, you are a fat, ugly bitch anyway.” In Yr 5!

What kind of messages had he been receiving as to appropriate behaviour? What could be the impact on a young person to be told that they are fat or ugly? We know what happens – eating disorders, mental illness, often self-destructive behaviours, even suicide.

Are they not captives? Do they not deserve to be free?

As we look at all the advertising going on at the moment, trying to persuade us that we need to buy “stuff” – it is worth taking time to reflect. Are we captives? And if so, to what?

Are we among those “setting captives free”?

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