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Fifth Sunday of Lent Yr B

Fifth Sunday of Lent Yr B

18 Mar 2018


“Dying to ourselves” is not really a big thing in our First World culture, is it? We talk more and celebrate the idea of “being true to ourselves” or “doing your own thing”. So someone who leaves a spouse or family to “discover themselves” to be authentic is feted. The impact on the abandoned spouse or family is ignored. Hence some people rave about Picasso’s art (personally, I do not like it), yet as a human being Picasso was dreadfully selfish and cruel to other people – especially women. I cannot look at any of his art without thinking of what a nasty person he actually was. You can probably think of a few more recent people who get celebrated for their work yet are actually dreadful human beings.

“doing your own thing” is not the same as “being true to yourself”.

Doing your own thing is self-centred, but being true to yourself – as Jesus is being here -should lead us to loving and respecting others, to seeing God in each other. We are only truly human in relationship and in community. In that we willingly accept certain restrictions.

Hence, in marriage or family, we accept that there are things we cannot do if the relationship and/or family are to prosper. Accepting that, at its best brings joy and deepening knowledge of each other.

I felt called to be a priest. To follow that meant I gave up the opportunity of marriage and parenthood. I really miss that loss – and it is a loss. Yet to be true to myself I willingly accepted that loss. And I have gained so much being part of communities and meeting people I probably would not have otherwise.

When have you ever “died to yourself” for the sake of being true to your own calling? What gifts have been born through that “death”? What will you do when and if the opportunity arises?

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