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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B

14 Jan 2018


There are a few interesting aspects to today’s Readings. One is John’s description of Jesus as the “Lamb of God”. This is not a Jewish expression, it would have been unfamiliar to a Jewish audience. The term Mark uses – the “Son of Man” was a familiar idea, going back to Daniel, but this is completely new.

In the first Reading and the Gospel, we have two “callings”. The Call is a regular event in the Scriptures. Abraham, Jacob, Moses and here Samuel, are all called by God. We are all called by God, each in our own way. The question is how do we respond to the Call?

We hear that Samuel is confused, not recognising God’s voice. I imagine that most, if not all of us have at some time been confused, wondering what God is calling us to. Hopefully, we have all been fortunate enough to have a person we can turn to for guidance.

Eli was the High Priest. We know from other parts of Scripture that he was getting on a bit – and that his sons were abusing his position of influence. Eli could have seen God’s call to Samuel as threatening his own status and that of his family. He does no such thing though, but encourages Samuel to respond to God’s call.

John the Baptist does the same with his own two disciples and Jesus. Rather than protecting his own position, he also encourages them to answer.

Jesus response to their question is interesting. He does’nt reply with a manifesto but an invitation to relationship. He does’nt tell them what to do – but he invites them into his own life.

And how does Andrews respond to this? He wants to share his experience, so he goes and brings his brother.

Last year, I heard someone say that we should live our lives knowing that our lives will be the only Scripture some people will ever read. First Andrew, then Peter and the other apostles answer their call, and live their lives in the way I mentioned above.

In our own lives, how do we answer God’s call – or do we go back to the comfort of sleep? When we meet God in our lives, do we share this experience by the way we live? Or do we tell others what to do?

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